Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Girls' Birth Day - A Review in Pictures....

So, I know that some people (like my husband) are squeemish and don't appreciate "realistic" photographs. So, I've done 2 things to share the photos of the babies' birth day. I created one photo album for the squeemish that has absolutely ZERO surgery or naked baby pictures. We'll call this the "G-rated" version. There's also the "R-rated" version where you'll see all the blood and violence of the surgery - for those who dare - as well as a few naked baby bodies (in completely a non-suggestive environment).

The pictures show everything from getting monitored in the OB Emergency Registration to the post-pardom room where we stayed for 4 days.

For the "R-rated" version, click here.

For the "G-rated" version, click here.
