Monday, March 14, 2005

Musical Babies

Niece Alisia Plays Music for her Expected Cousins Posted by Hello

My cousin Holly lent me a contraption that has helped us lately have a lot of fun. It's a triage of three different microphone/speaker mechanisms which allow you to: 1) listen for the babies' heartbeats, 2) play music for them and 3) talk or read to them.

Paul and I tried listening earlier in the beginning of the 2nd trimester and couldn't hear anything but underwater sounds (which apparently is the sound of ambiotic fluid). It wasn't very interesting. However, on Sunday, Alisia and I took it out again to listen. And, surprise, we did hear the rat-ta-tat-tat sound of at least one of the babies' hearts.

Spurred by excitement, Alisia then took out the microphone and proceeded to introduce each member of the family to them in typical Oprah Winfrey interviewer style. Then she told them the story of the 3 Little Pigs before playing some nice Chopin piano for them.

They are just 25 weeks old today and apparently can hear quite well. We will have to ask them later what they remember about Alisia's introduction to the outside world!