Wednesday, February 01, 2006

8 Month 1 Week - There Ought To Be A Law

Just a few things that, if made into law, would make my life a bit easier!!

There Ought To Be A Law:

  1. All MOM's (Mothers of Multiples) should have designated parking spots reserved just for them up close to the storefront/gym entrances, just like the handicapped. I mean, isn't it a handicap to begin with to try to carry 2 carseats, a purse, and a diaper bag, especially in the rain, all the way inside?
  2. All retail stores, especially if they sell items for children, should make their aisles wide enough for a stroller. I can't tell you how many times I've had to "bushwhack" my way through rounders of clothes. If the girls were any older, I'd equip them with machettes so they could thin the forest of fabric that engulfs them as we attempt to get to the kids department. (I wonder what the stores would do if I had a wheelchair instead of a stroller?)
  3. There should be only a 2-minute time limit that MOM's are obligated to make small talk with strangers who stop you from getting your errands done to answer silly questions or to make small talk conversation. Clock starts with the first "Aw, are they twins?"; when the 2-minutes are up, we should be able to walk away without feeling ungrateful.
  4. Since it's recommended that we buy two and a half times the clothes, bottles, etc. for twins, there ought to be a law that at tax time, we get to claim two and a half dependents.
  5. All adults should be able to rely on the following law: There should be no obligation to buy a gift for both twins if you're kid/you is only friends with one of them. Same is true for god-parents, etc. Also, don't feel that you have to get them the exact same thing - they have different likes/personalities. Just because they were born as a set doesn't mean that they always have to be treated as one.