Monday, October 05, 2009

Alessandro - 15-Months

This month, Alessandro gets his 2nd haircut - atop a pony!

Alessandro is

growing like a weed. Each day seems to bring new surprises. While doing busy work around the kitchen, I realize I'm listening to Baby Brother sing "Happy Birthday." How he picked that up, I don't know. Perhaps at William's birthday party? (He was asleep during Elsa's.) However, the girls and I love hearing him so much, we sing it with him just to watch him grin at our recognition and the attention he gets from the applause. He is still experimenting with his gross motor skills, trying to master jumping. So, whenever he climbs a stair or the hearth on my mother's fireplace, we all count, "1, 2, 3!!!" and he jumps and grins, giving himself a hand at gaining both our attention as well as more practice. He is also getting anxious about wanting to hold the spoon during eating time and feeding himself. Usually a disaster, but it's good practice from time to time. I've also noticed that lately, he gets into the cabinets for the purpose of setting the table rather than just making a mess.

He melts hearts in public, insisting on greeting every person he sees with a dimpled smile, a "hi" and a hand wave. He will also blow kisses as he leaves. He is DESPERATE to join the girls at pre-school. He literally jumps from my arms and runs into the classroom, climbing up into a chair to reach the markers and paper or to join the other boys playing on the carpet. He doesn't understand why he can't stay with everyone all day long. The teachers suggest that I enroll him into the class for the 1-2 year olds, but that's not what he wants to do. He wants to be a Sunflower (4's class) just like Ava & Tina and their friends. Much more exciting to draw, do art and play with the big kids.

He still shows no signs of dropping his morning nap or drinking milk anytime soon. He loves watching and chasing the chickens. Sometimes he wants to be with them so much, he walks into their coop, swats and waits for them to come close enough to touch. He is captivated by animals and is nurturing a new love of books. He will carry books all around the house, stopping every now and again to open the pages and show them to people. His favorite is shaped like a race car and came from the Bairds' last visit. I'm loving this age where hugs and kisses come freely and he's usually not far from me - laced between my legs or singing or chatting closeby. He is a real blessing!