Monday, August 03, 2009

Feeling Like Madonna

Alessandro is just a few days shy of 13-months when I decide I'm ready. With six teeth, breastfeeding has become a not-so-cute-and-sweet event for me. I put up with it because he still will not take milk any other way. He has never taken to a bottle and, although he will drink water and juice from a sippy cup, he refuses milk. I worry about him not getting all the calcium his little growing body needs.
A few days shy of 13-months, I worry no more. I worry instead how my nipples will ever recover as not just one, but both of them are chewed raw and are incredibly painful. "That's it," I huff to our little man, two mornings before our vacation. "You're done! No more boob for you!"
"Finally!" Cheers my husband, who has complained about the lack of weaning for a month or more already.
His cheers only last a day. Soon, Alessandro is upset and frustrated, unable to fall asleep. Paul takes back all encouragement and tries to persuade me instead to "just give it to him" so that he can fall asleep just as easily as his son used to.
My patience draws thin as my nerves get jostled and the pre-vacation anxiety hits. It culminates into the perfect storm when the pain of engorgement, coupled by my PMS hits and creates a hormone frenzy inside my body and temperament. It hurts when somebody even looks that them, much less brushes up against them. The skin becomes so tight they itch and I feel like I'm wearing Madonna's famous bustier - the one with the hard pointy cones. I laugh as I envision myself in it, singing "Express Yourself."
A double-dose of Advil helps and, about the time we make the 3-day trip to Idaho, I'm completely comfortable again. Not only that, but Little Man is starting to become OK with just going to sleep with nothing but a couple sips of juice off his sippy cup. All's more-or-less done and converted in enough time to enjoy vacation. Yay!
Now all I need to do is figure out how to get him to drink milk! I wonder if I somehow sweeten his milk? Will he just get used to it and eventually drink it? I've decided I'll continue trying for at least a week before whining to the pediatrician, just in case he does resolve it soon. Until then, he'll be eating yogert for breakfast, cheese sandwiches for lunch and cottage cheese for dinner!