Thursday, January 22, 2009

Alessandro - 7 Months Facts and Stats

Little Man is getting ready to crawl! Here's a little video where, as he does dozens of times a day, leans forward and with a little effort, gets his knees beneath him. He rocks back and forth, getting used to the balancing thing, and then usually falls on his face and tummy. At Grandma's house the other morning, he actually moved his knees forward two little steps before falling on his tummy. In the meantime, he has discovered alternative ways to transport himself while his upper-body strenght gets perfected: he rolls across the room, he will "bottom shuffle" (scoot around on his bottom, using a hand behind and a foot in front to propel himself), and commando crawl, slithering forward on his stomach.

We don't have another "official" doctor's appointment until 9-months, but we went in to check for an ear infection and found he was 19 lbs 5 oz (and didn't have an ear infection). He went through a huge food frenzy when he was eatting about 5-jars of food a day, but has backed down to about 3. And, mom has not had any luck in 1) getting him to sleep through the night or 2) take a bottle. This guys just a boob-man and I think I'll just start giving him a sippy cup and make that the next goal.
Current schedule: out of bed by 7am, nap from 8:30 or 9am to about 11am; lunch (1-2 jars of stage 2 food) at 11:30; nap from 2-4pm; dinner (another jar with oatmeal or rice cereal mixed in) at 4:30pm; get ready for bed at 6:30pm, sleep by 7:30pm (depending if the girls are going down at the same time), waking at 11, 2 and 5:30am, but we're trying the "cry it out" method to curb this pattern. He's only slept through the night once and, wouldn't you know, the girls were up 4-times that particular night leaving me no sleep!! (Grrr!)
This month, we had some photographs taken by an excellent photographer who specializes in the old-school styles and vingnettes. I wanted to mimic some of the old photographs I have of my mom's parents. I have a photo of my Grandfather, about Alessandro's age, wearing his baptism gown. Although their coloring is different, the pose is nearly the same. I plan to hang them next to each other. For the girls, I have other pictures of my Grandma and her twin sister that I tried to mimic. They were a little bit older than my girls at the time, but we found a set of vintage dresses to borrow and I made up some large silk bows and styled their hair the same way my Grandma and her sister's were done, although their hair was shorter with the classic 1920's bob do. I'm very excited about the whole grouping.