Thursday, October 04, 2007

Still Coming Home to Baby

Well, word came today: Jon's on his way home from Iraq, expected to land at home tomorrow afternoon. Both he and his wife, Emily, were hoping he'd be there to see his baby, due the following day, come into to world. However, Rudy James, born this morning at 9:30am at 8lbs. 6 oz. and 19 3/4 long, and God had other plans.

Ironically, I was emailing Emily asking how she was last night after one of the girls woke up requiring a diaper change and I couldn't sleep right away. She emailed back that she was up with back pain that wouldn't let her sleep either. After she signed off, it must have progressed quite rapidly!!

The good news is that they were able to hail Jonathan somehow in Navy-land and, via telephone, he coached Emily through her pushing. I'm sure that I'll have some photos to share soon, but in the meantime, welcome to the world, Rudy James and welcome home, Jonathan!!