Thursday, September 27, 2007

My Kid's Got FOMO!

I was enjoying a lovely cup of coffee out with a friend of mine when we ran into another mom, who just had her second child. We were chatting and I was asking about how the second one was doing. "Well, she's got FOMO. My first one was so easy, I guess I had it easy." She went on and on, ending with, "I'm just exhausted dealing with all this FOMO syndrome stuff!"

Gosh! What is this awful thing called FOMO. I'll have to ask my doctor about it. I'd never heard of it, but it sounded devastating and horribly exhausting for both baby and mommy. "What's FOMO?" my girlfriend asked. "It sounds like another one of your well-known acronyms."

"Oh, it is," answered the new mom..."FOMO is 'Fear Of Missing Out' syndrome. The new one just never wants to miss out on anything. If she hears a noise of any kind or sees something unsual, she won't nap or sleep and fights the urge off so she becomes a sleep-depraved crankypot!"

Well, I love a mom with a sense of humor. Not only did I had to admit it was kind of funny, but I quickly empathized, "I've got one with FOMO as well!" It frustrates me to no end! She can't sleep in the car, has a tough time in new places, can't handle her freedom should she not be locked in with a sleep-sack and a crib-tent, and has never once transitioned from sleeping one place to another. If she wakes slightly, she jolts herself awake just in case there's something she should know about.

The nasty thing about FOMO is that it doesn't seem to be something they just grow out of. So, good luck to all of you moms of FOMO kids. It's nice to acknowledge and share empathy with each other, and, the best thing is to have a sense of humor about it. It just adds more depth to the wrinkles we're suppossed to get!