Monday, September 24, 2007

Mommy, I Want a Pony....

Ava and little Sparky
She couldn't have said anything closer to my heart. Bettina likes ponies -- she likes to get on and then get off....get on, get off, etc. She likes to ride because we're at the barn. Ava, on the other hand, asks for a pony or to ride a pony even when there's not one around to be seen. It's on her mind all the time, like Peter Pan or the Kitty-Cat Movie (Aristocats). The only reason she came down from the saddle on this day was that Dean was at the barn also and he was playing with the goats and the piggies. Ava's got a thing for Dean and it's almost stronger than her thing for ponies. I'm not sure that Daddy is comforted by that for long....
Too bad that my camera ran out of batteries before Bettina's ride. Dean was more interested in the goat, bunnies and pigs too take time to ride the pony.