Remember the old Heinz commercials? "Anticipa-a-ation is making me wait..." So feeling that right now. Two days ago, at my last OB appointment, the doctor again stripped my membranes in an effort to start things along. I'm still at a little over 2-cm dilated, but "it's a softer" cervix now, which, apparently, is suppossed to be better sign of readiness. She predicted it would happen over the weekend: "Saturday or Sunday," she says. "Make an appointment for next week, just in case, but I'd be really surprized if I saw you again next Monday."
You see, she's going to Legoland this week with her 2 and 4-year olds. Perhaps she said "sometime over the weekend" just to make me feel better. After having my membranes stripped for the second time, and yet one more Prego Pizza dinner from Skipolini's (we brought the whole family this time: party of 13 - as if the increased number would also increase our odds and not just our cheering section), but nothing but a bit of heartburn has happened.
Yet, I continue to try to make the house ready, just in case. I do a load of laundry every day and check to make sure I have at least 3-days worth of food in the house for "whoever" will be here with the kids. My sister will leave back for home tomorrow, so it's not likely going to be her. Wouldn't it have been a great Father's Day present if Daddy's little man showed up today? Well, we only have 9-more hours for that Father's Day present. Otherwise, it's just more of the same waiting game.