Sunday, March 18, 2007

Things I Learned at the Doctors This Week

Just a cute picture of Tina wearing my 3-inch espadrille shoes. There are another 4-frames or so after this picture in various states of falling forward and out of the shoes, swiftly followed by her putting them on and attempting to walk in them again.

Last week was tough - the girls (and I) were sick and had fevers. We decided to take them to "The Wiggles" concert anyhow and still they had fun. They spent the first half swaying, dancing and wiggling in the aisles to the music. The second half, they were worn out and just watched from our laps. They were cold-asleep by the time we left the parking lot. They clearly had fun, but I'm sure would have had much more fun had they been feeling their best.

Two days later, Tina hadn't shaken her fever, so I took her in to the doctor. I told the doctor about Tina's fever (Ava's only lasted 2 days) and learned something new: when you take a kid's temperature under the arm, you are really suppossed to adjust the result up a degree. I was floored that I had allowed Tina to have a temperature of 103 for 2 days (I thought it was really only 101.9). I was embarrassed and shamed still to find that on top of that, she'd been suffering from painful ear infection as well. "She hasn't been complaining about any pain?" the doctor asks. (Now, we're talking about a girl who will run straight into the wall without blinking and only adjust her angle to go off again.) "No," I responded, "but her sister has been saying her ear hurts." Two prescriptions of antibiotics later, we're heading to the pharmacy. While there, I looked into getting a vaporizor to help the girls sleep. They had some vaporizers, but not any that had the matching medicine buckets. So, I decided to buy these vapor-scented inserts that fit into a nightlight. A much cheeper solution, even if they only last one night. They worked wonders and I'm glad we tried them.
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