Tuesday, September 27, 2005

4 months 1 week - Great New Discoveries

Bettina says, "Yes, I can!" Posted by Picasa

The girls are gaining more and more independence. Ava can now start to "fist" her pacifier closer to her mouth when it falls out. Both Ava and Tina are now holding their bottles (Tina better than Ava) for about 10+ seconds at a time. Tina gets frustrated when we help correct her angle or when she pushes the nipple a little too hard and it bounces out of her mouth.

Both girls are rolling over from their stomachs to their backs, but haven't gone the other way yet. They are much more attentive and aware of each other, now, and just love to spend time on their activity mat. They are starting to get a sense of cause and effect as they kick or tug on the toys to activate the sounds.

They got their second round of shots and protested immensely. Tina is decidedly larger and within 55% of her peers in weight, 75% in height and 65% in head size. Ava is 25% across the board.

The coolest new discovery: The Baby Brigade Movie Night is an ingenious tool to help new parents have a little fun. The Parkside movie theatre in Oakland plays current newly released movies where the littlest of kidlets are encouraged to attend! Otherwise known as "The Crying Room," the always crowded theatre hosts large couches with restaurant-style food service so couples (or just mommies/daddies) can get out, watch a movie for only $5, and not have to pay for or find a babysitter!! Kids cry every now and again... sometimes it's yours and sometimes it's across the theatre, but the otherwise socially-depraved turn a deaf ear and enjoy a glass of wine, pint o'beer and a chicken quesadilla, swaddle their kids to sleep and enjoy the show. This is going to be a fast routine!!

Another system I've learned to work: Join a gym that has child care! Oakwood Athletic Club is a local gym that I've recently joined. Members get 1 1/2 hours of free childcare a day (with reservation). This is truly icing on the cake. We want to lose the baby-weight anyhow. What further incentive could we need but free childcare! Excellent way to ensure yourself daily shower with a steam bath to boot!! Well, it is more expensive than a 24-Hour, so, maybe it's not "free", but none-the-less, it sure feels good!!