Monday, January 02, 2006

Food Schedules

Posted by Picasa It's been about a month since we've started solid foods and about every 4 days, we add a new food to the potential menu. They are to have between 2-3 servings of food a day. I serve 2 servings in the morning, usually, a familiar food served mixed in with their rice cereal, the 2nd serving. The "new" food, serving #3, is for their lunch, served at about noon. To date, their familiar foods are:

  • rice cereal
  • bananas
  • pears
  • sweet potatoes/yams
  • yogurt
  • peaches
  • apple sauce
  • green beans, and now,
  • white potatoes

We tried carrots and zucchini, but Ava didn't like the carrots and Tina hated the zucchini, so we stopped those and will try again next month. The rest of the month, we're scheduled to try:

  • prunes
  • squash
  • peas
  • egg yolk, and
  • avocado

Then, we'll go back and try the "rejects" (like carrots and zucchini) again.

Tina opens her mouth wide now and even lounges for the spoon for the foods she likes. Her favorites are white potatoes and bananas. When she's finished, though, or when she doesn't like something, you couldn't get a wedge between her lips, much less a spoon, if you tried. She clamps down pretty good. Ava's pretty good about everything, which goes along with her generally accommodating and happy personality. She's a little bird for pretty much everything.