Saturday, November 24, 2007

Little Parasite

'Tis the season to be thankful for all the little things... There are many obvious things: cute little girls who insist on doing things themselves, who delight in seeing Christmas lights, get shy around Santa, and relish in hot chocolate and ice cream. However, I must admit that I'm feeling a bit annoyed with a little parasite which has been silently leaching off my body, sucking all my energy as well as any appetite or satisfaction from food. And, with the holiday season, what a time to be turned off by food!

And, poor Paul! Since I'm not turned on by food, I'm certainly not excited about shopping for or preparing it for him. He usually gets the short-end of that stick. I am thankful he's understanding and not pouty about that. And, the poor girls! They want to play and jump on my tummy and be launched into the air on Mommy's feet like an airplane. Sorry - not in the mood. I'm grouchy that I have to tell them "no" and "that gives Mommy an owie."

Since we are to practice being thankful, I only have to do two things to set myself straight again: look at the refrigerator where a picture of the grape-sized parasite resides, proving it's little heartbeat, fingers and toes exist and, remember back 3-years ago when I was so sick, I spent nearly all day for 13-weeks in bed. So, it has been worse. It's just different now that more little beings, no longer legitimate parasites, but dependants none-the-less, vie for my energy and attention.

That's right - my parasite isn't something I picked up during some exotic travels, but is something Paul and I hoped to create. We're having Baby #3!!! Are we excited? Absolutely!! And I will be a lot more thankful in a couple more weeks once I'm able to regain my stomach and energy level.

Watching Ainsley and Patrick these last couple of days with their new baby is inspiring -- sort of a look at what's to come. And, spending the holidays with the girls, who "get" Christmas and all the magic that it encompasses for them, #3, who should arrive late-June, will be another treat and a true blessing! We are thankful - even for a parasite!