Monday, August 20, 2007

Jon's Deployment - A Traveling Soldier

Jon's been sending some photos home of where he's been since he was deployed 6-weeks ago. It seems that getting there really is half the fun!

He had a stop in France, Spain, Greece, Djibouti and Oman before he came to his "home" in Bahrain. There were some nice photos of Greece and it looks as if he spent some time in an Irish pub in Spain (weird). Djibouti looked very 3rd world and poor. The picture I've posted is of him in Omar. There are very few photos he can share online of the base/s, but promises that the curious can see the hard copies when he gets back. I guess with the internet, the photos could get in the wrong hands quite seemlessly.
He's got 7-more weeks left of his deployment and I'm looking forward to hearing more about his trip. Jon was really nice and sent us an email after hearing of Nonno's passing. Thanks, Jon!