Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, Emma & Chase

The girls really understand this birthday party thing now. When I told them that Emma and Chase, good playmate friends of theirs, were having a birthday party this week, they spent the rest of the day talking about birthday cake and ice cream. The next day, they sung the "happy birthday" song to them 8-different ways (sometimes to Emma & Chase, others to Chase & Emma, a couple just to Emma, etc., etc.). Then, they had to decide which dress to wear and took turns guarding the birthday presents (placed way out of reach on the mantle). How excited they were to jump out of the car, after seeing the balloons on Chase & Emma's house, and bring their presents to the front door. They have also learned to ring the doorbell and proceeded to ring it repeatedly until Mommy could catch up with them and usher them past the sign that said, "Door open, come on in!"
They get it: amid all the chaos of tons of toddlers (some pairs of twins and a set of triplet boys) climbing slides, pushing carts and strollers, going in and out of play houses and whining to parents about scratches, they question when is it time for cake? Is it time yet for ice cream? When the singing starts, they know just where to jump in and belt out their song enthusiastically. Four days later, they are still talking about the party and wondering when it's their turn for a party again. No wonder birthdays seem to come every 4-years when you're a kid!