Monday, July 30, 2007

We are Family

Last week, we traveled to our annual Family Reunion. We're a big and loyal group, clearing our calendars well in advance so that the 50+ of us can get together for a week's worth of activities.

On our way up, we stopped in Ashland to visit long-time friend Kathy. We've been friends with her whole family in fact for 20+ years. We caravaned up with Ains and Patrick and met the rest of Kathy's family for dinner at her house. Her brother Jim also has twins - boys Zach and Henry who are 4 years old. Her other brother John also has 2 little ones, so the girls had a blast running around the back yard with all the "older" kids. It was so much fun to see them blend into all the activity, and a special treat with the 7-hour car trip behind them!

We spent all night eating, drinking and catching up -- it's both Kathy and my 20th high school reunion this year, so we ended up looking through old yearbooks and talking about the impending activities. The next morning, a little groggy, while we were packing up to get back on the road, the girls gave us a little surprise. Needless to say, Kathy now refers to them as her little Picassos. They had somehow got a hold of Kathy's office supplies (she works from home) and colored the walls, the mattress, pillow and comforter with their highlighter and dry-erase marker.... any ideas how to get that out?? We did get it off the walls, but worry that the expensive trip to the dry cleaners won't get it all out.... shucks and very embarrassing!!!

At the reunion, we had lots of fun. Even though we've been to Sunriver 8+ times, it seems there's things that we still haven't done. This year, we added a softball game (organized by 10-year old cousin MacKenzie), a trip to the observatory (really great, btw), the hayride (nice for little ones and great for spotting deer), the concerts on the fairway, and for the first time, we didn't have time to shop at the mall or nearby Bend. The girls' naps do seem to chop the day in the useless brackets of time. Also, we ended up celebrating some great impromptu events: Jessica's baptism (in the hot tub by Uncle Gary, the preacher), Jack & Peg's 40th wedding anniversary and a surprise baby shower for Ains and Patrick.

Paul and I really enjoyed spending such a great amount of time together and with family. It was a fun-filled week and we were sad to go back home to "reality." To see the whole week's activities, click here.