Saturday, June 04, 2005

If You Bear Them, They Will Come

Well, it's not really baseball or dead relatives that come out of the cornfields, but we did have many visitors from afar in a short number of days...

Aunt Ainsley with the girls Posted by Hello

Visitors come from far and near to visit the girls in their first couple of weeks. Their Aunt Ainsley, who just finished all her schooling for her nursing degree, visits just after her pinning ceremony. She drives down from Lake Tahoe - about a 3-hour drive - to visit for a couple of days.

Grandpa and BettinaPosted by Hello

Their maternal Grandpa drove down a few days later from Anacortes, WA, nearly Canada and a 15-hour drive.

Scott from Australia with Ava Posted by Hello

However, the longest traveled to visit these little girls is former flatmate, Scott, who came with his wife Nicole all the way from Sydney, Australia. Granted, they were passing through on their way to Charlotte, but none-the-less, they made a special stop in San Francisco for 2 days to visit.