Thursday, December 03, 2009

Lots of Ballet Today

Alessandro, Julia, Hanna, Ava, Bettina & Christina before watching The Velveteen Rabbit
The ODC version of The Velveteen Rabbit was a last-minute, unexpected treat as some friends found extra tickets 3-hours before showtime. Although we usually see Misty today, we decided to sidetrack and try something new. Who knew it would be as great as it was! And, where else do you get a kid-friendly (both on content and lenght) ballet a mile and a half from your home for $10 a seat?
Despite the fact that it started right at the beginning of Baby Brother's nap time, Alessandro truely loved the show. He sat still and watched from my lap for the whole 60-minutes, pointing and grunting to aspects he particularly enjoyed. Ava and Bettina also did quite well.
As if one holiday ballet a day isn't enough, we'd already scheduled to see The Nutcracker that night with Grandma. The girls dressed up again and we went out for dinner at a place with linen napkins, Sprite sodas and chocolate gelato! "I wish we could have a special day everyday, Momma," Ava concludes.Posted by Picasa