Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Big Demonstration

The girls had their big event today...the one they've been rehearsing for 6-months. We can now say that our daughters have danced on the big stage at the Lesher Center for Regional Arts in front of nearly 300 people! The pre-ballet class, the youngest of the show, were the cute little mushrooms that everyone ooh'ed and awe'ed, giggles and smiled about. They were so flippen cute! Grandma got them little rose bouquets that matched their tutus.
Ava has taken very easily to ballet and the steps have come easy to her. She just focuses on smiling at the audience and "keeping the magic in her cheeks." Bettina had a harder time, especially with the "step-hop" routine which looks like skipping. This week, however, she shone through and knocked it out of the ballpark each practice and on stage. They have improved a lot since January when they started at this ballet school.
It was nice to see the other classes dance as well and watch the progression of the different ages and students. From the pre-ballet like Ava & Bettina to the kids who start coming twice a week, then 3-times and finally up to 6-days a week. Who has that kind of money, I don't know, but we will just cross our fingers that we can afford whatever it is that gets their hearts aloft.
For the summer, we're putting our ballet shoes away and will try Tae Kwon Do, gymnastics and swimming lessons instead. Grandma like to sponsor the girls dancing and we will give them all a short break before coming back. We have made some good friends and the girls just LOVE their teachers here.
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