Thursday, November 13, 2008

Family Outing

How does a family of four go out on a trail ride with only one horse? My dream come true...
Ava's strike with Misty is apparently over since Bettina got a new riding helmet. Now when we go to the barn it's not just Bettina who goes racing into the tack room to get her helmet, pleading to ride before Misty's even clean. Her stipulation is that she rides on the saddle and gets to sit in front (she doesn't like the Buddy Seat that sits behind the saddle).
Monday we didn't have school (Veteran's Day), so we went to check in on Misty. Imagine my surprise when Ava asked to go on a long trail ride "up to the mountains." Who am I to deny, right? Well, we wound up on the trail for 1.5 hours walking toward the mountains along the cliffs that overlook Montara State Beach, Ava in the saddle, Bettina in the Buddy Seat, Alessandro riding shot-gun in the Ergo walking with me on the ground. The girls loved watching the waves and the cars below on Highway 1. They chatted about which bird calls they were hearing and protested when I said it was time to turn back. "We'll go again on another day," I say, "It's starting to get dark."...while I also am thinking, "Yee-haw! They got cowgirl in their blood!"