Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Our Baby-Moon on the "Monarch of the Seas"

It's nice to get away, reconnect, and enjoy one last "hurrah" before the added chaos of another newborn. With some encouragement from Grandpa, Paul and I decided to "run away" to Mexico on a short cruise. You certainly can't beat the price - about $100/day all meals and activities included! The food was good, the room very nice and the company, exceptionally balanced. Our dinner mates, a nice couple, Keith & Tracy, from St. Louis and another couple of newlyweds, Vince & Jenny, from San Diego, were great people and the dinner conversation was never slow or boring.
We, of course, called home twice a day to chat with the girls who were whooping it up with Grandpa and Sherry. They would ask, "You still on da' boat?" and then say only, "Oh," when we answered yes. Their schedules and heads were filled with visits to the zoo with their cousin Braxton, other extended family, trips to the park, all-and-all having a great time without us.