At the football game with many Class of 87'ers - we got whooped by the rivals, btw.
Thank goodness these things only come once every ten-years!
Our high school reunion - our 20th - was this last weekend. We had all sorts of activities to choose from: a football game, a bar, a golf tourney, a dinner, and a picnic, with other impromptu sideshows and specticles.
Somehow, I found myself on the planning committee. I swore I'd never do it again after the 10th-year, but eventually agreed assured that the financial responsibility was elsewhere. I'm really glad I did it. And, I think that planning now-a-days - with the help of cyberspace - really assisted 1) financially, 2) in tracking people down and 3) in promoting the hype and the inersia to get the party started with lots of icebreakers and opportunities to see what's in store.
The weekend was more than I could have imagined and still, over the course of 3-days, I didn't seem to catch up properly with everyone I hoped to. But, we had a lot of fun, sometimes acting as we did 20-years ago (but, isn't that part of the fun?). Boarders on cliques and pigeon-holes melted away and everyone had a smile on their face. It was a great opportunity to see people and I wish we could do it again -- just as soon as I can recover from this weekend!