Sunday, November 26, 2006

18 Months - Thanksgiving

Let it Snow! Posted by Picasa

We traveled with Grandma and friends Scott & Nicole and their baby Victoria up to Tahoe for Thanksgiving this week. We rented a house just around the corner from my sister's house and spread out, letting the toddlers run. Little baby Victoria, 5 months old, just sat back and watched the girls run circles around her pointing and chanting, "Baby!"

It snowed 6-inches the first night we were there and the girls were fascinated by the change in topography. They stood on our bed that morning, pointing and chatting indistinguishably about the new blanket of snow.

Bundled up, we took them outside for short walks. They weren't very interested in walking far nor wearing the new mittens I'd purchased for them and they cried when their hands or feet got covered in the cold snow.

Inside, the girls enjoyed running circles around the living room, jumping on the giant "L"-shaped couch and singing The Wiggles songs they know. Soon, most of the family could sing along with them and grew very t ired of the tune. Tina also spent a lot of time cuddled up in Uncle Scott's lap captivated by the many books she'd brought him to read for her. Uncle Scott is also her God-father, so it was great bonding time.

Mid-way through our Turkey Day, we received word from Paul's mother that our house in the City had been burglarized and almost all of Paul's and the contractor's tools had been stolen along with all my jewelry. This shocking news gets Paul into my sister's car to drive home to deal with the paperwork and figure out what to do next. The rest of us plan to go home as scheduled the following day.

I am terribly thankful that they didn't find my Grandma's silver nor find value in the china or other heirlooms that are priceless to me. And, although I would gladly trade some nicer jewerly (kept with me instead of at home) for a few of the missing sentimental pieces (like my Grandma's necklace, my mom's pearl cocktail ring or other unique pieces given as gifts), I strangely am OK with the loss. Family has become more important to me, it seems. Despite the bad news, I'm not figiting to get back home to tally our losses. The most important things to me - all my blessings - were gathered around that Thanksgiving table. The rest is background - decorations the insurance company can help me rebuild. And, I can deal with that another day. For now, I'll just reflect on this week's memories and photos, which you can see here.