Friday, April 21, 2006

11 Months - Stats and Habits

Easter's Egg Hunt at the church Posted by Picasa

I am teary today reflecting on the past three days. These girls are no longer babies but little people. Their achievements grow as quickly as they do.

Little Ava did something glorious and terrifying. She took her first 2 steps. From the coffee table at Grandma's house to Rocio. Then again from Rocio to me. She got so excited and it nearly made me cry. Ava still won't crawl, but loves to be led around the house. She only needs to hold on with one hand. It's like walking around with a little toddler, not an 11 month old!

Tina's learned to not only walk her walker down the hall, but to backup and turn it once she hits the wall or another piece of furniture. She's very adept at walking and crawling and using the combination to get around to nearly anywhere she wants.

Ava has a habit of twirling her wrists, but the other day, I noticed they weren't twirling, but she was opening and squeezing her hand...her first sign: "milk." Later the next day, as she sat from my hip looking down and talking to Hayden, Tina clapped her hand against her leg: the sign for "dog." I wasn't sure if it was an accident. I put her down and said, "Tina, where's the dog?" She looked from me to Hayden and slapped her hand against her leg again. There you go! Are they finally getting this? Ava signed for milk again, ironically at the birthday party for one of our Baby Signs classmates.

Tina's been having some teething pain and thus her sleep has been interruppted, but both girls have two glorious teeth and are eatting more finger foods. Blueberries and avocados are their favorites right now.