So, while trying to fall asleep, I fantasized about what I would like to have for my birthday. Many things flashed through my head: a luxuriously long, hot shower, uninterrupted by children's questions or complaints, a whole day without spit-up in my hair, a day when I don't have to change my clothes 3 times from
curtled cheese embedded in the fabric, a 20-minute drive without noise when I can listen to "my" music, not haunted by The Wiggles' lyrics dancing though my head. The images kept growing. I couldn't decide which one to choose as my birthday wish.
This morning, instead of breakfast in bed for me, I woke to make strawberry pancakes for the girls who chatted animatedly, clearly enjoying the food. And instead of dressing in a real "grown-
up's" outfit, I sat in my
over sized t-shirt, marked with a spot of spit-up, and watch my son as he heavily sighs during his morning nap.
I think about my wishes....if I got a day without spit-up in my hair, that would mean it would be a day without this 15-pound little man who now giggles and slyly smiles at me when I'm in sight. If I had my wish of a quiet car, it would mean missing out on hearing Ava and Bettina retell to each other the story of a show they saw or a friend from school or their hopes of what to do with their day. A clean car would mean less getting dirty with the kids. So, I have to reconsider. Perhaps I don't want what I initially thought I wanted.
I've got it. I want a beautiful picture to go with all of these daily memories. Forget the fancy clothes or an adult-only dinner at an overpriced restaurant. I'll take a professional photographer for my family and kids - and perhaps I'll opt to try to be free of spit-up on my shoulders or hair.